Vernon T. Tolo, MD, assumes role as Editor-in-Chief
Vernon T. Tolo, MD (Editor-in-Chief, 2010-2014)
Preserving Stability While Embracing Change
Vernon T. Tolo, MD (Editor-in-Chief, 2010-2014) presided over a particularly dynamic period of JBJS history that was marked by a wide range of organizational changes, technological advancements, experimentation, new initiatives, and new products. Working alongside the first-ever JBJS CEO/Publisher Kent Anderson under the new corporate banner of STRIATUS/JBJS, Dr. Tolo guided the organization through a number of important developments, including:
- Separating the American and British volumes of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery
- Shifting to the publication of 2 shorter biweekly issues of JBJS instead of 1 larger monthly issue
- Launching 3 online-only continuous-publication journals (JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques, JBJS Case Connector, and JBJS Reviews)
- Creating subspecialty-specific “corridors” and newsletters on the JBJS website
- Selecting particularly noteworthy or time-sensitive articles for “online first” publication (“JBJS Express”)
- Fostering greater reader engagement through online commenting and “Letters to the Editor” functionality
- Emphasizing the incorporation of video content across all products, platforms, and devices
- Experimenting with the use of “semantic technology,” with a focus on concepts rather than keywords, to improve search functionality
- Fostering improved uniformity and transparency of the author disclosure process through the adoption of the standard ICMJE conflicts-of-interest form
- Decreasing the time to publication through an emphasis on shorter articles, online-only publication of selected articles, and streamlined internal processes
- Optimizing the ability of readers to access JBJS content on mobile devices
- Adopting the PRISMA guidelines for the conduct of meta-analyses and systematic reviews
- Establishing a Board of International Deputy Editors to better reflect the global reach of JBJS
- Introducing a robust series of webinars moderated by recognized experts in the field
- Instituting a new approach to recertification in the form of the virtual JBJS Recertification Course
- Publishing several special reports and supplementary issues in partnership with other organizations (including the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy [JOSPT] as well as the International Consortium of Orthopaedic Registries [ICOR])
- Experimenting with technological initiatives within the publishing field (ORCID iDs, PRE-Score, Pre-Val, SocialCite, QR codes)
During his tenure, Dr. Tolo steadily advanced the JBJS mission of delivering excellence by ensuring the integrity and transparency of the peer review and publication processes, faithfully serving the interests of both authors and readers, and consistently emphasizing the importance of focusing on the ultimate goal: improved patient care and outcomes.
Click below for links to editorials written by Dr. Tolo during his tenure as Editor-in-Chief (2010-2014).
Orthopaedic Knowledge on Time and Online
Two Clear Identities for Two Strong Journals
Interest in Conflicts
Picturing a Blend of Print and Online
Connecting Surgeons to Focused Orthopaedic Information
Orthopaedic Journals and Conflict of Interest
Stability and Change in 2012
Global Orthopaedics
Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews: New Guidelines for JBJS
The Case Report Redefined with JBJS Case Connector
Welcome to JBJS Reviews!
Now Showing—Video Expansion at JBJS
Peer Review Has No Peer
Studying and Reporting Sex and Race Differences in Musculoskeletal Health
125 Years and Counting
Are Research Publications Original and True?
How Do You Know It Is True? Integrity in Research and Publications. AOA Critical Issues